
In this section, you will find an honour roll for all of our beloved companions listed in alphabetical order by the first name. Please click on the letters to see the memorials that have already been added.

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24/03/07 - 10/05/12
Human family: valerie costin
Photo(s) of RosieRoo (1)


Ladies & Gentlemen allow me to introduce to you the most well loved dog ever....
meet my ~~~~~RosieRoo~~~~~...
mine all mine the light of my life my better half in every way
my BFF my side kick my soul mate you name this was her...
RosieRoo was a gift a gift i didnt plan on getting a spur of the moment friend had gone to get her sister she ws the last of the litter & a joke of a comment & next thing i was the proudest owner going....2 days later her sister was returned to the breeder but like hell was Rosie going back she wsa mine all mine my new shadow
from the moment i got her in 2007 i planned out our lives together the walks the drives the chats cuddles tricks & boy did she ever learn sit stay roll over play dead paw please she was a minx too anything went missing she had it in her bed...
i soon found she didnt like sand pollen perfumes aerosols in fact most i know why

i didn't like kennels not 1 place was good enough for my dog so when it came to holidays my mum came to stay, she got a break from the desperate hangers on dragging her down & Rosie got to stay at home in her space... though she sulked when we went she would yap down the phone when we called...when we came home she was pleased we were back but she'd also let me know she wasn't best pleased i'd gone in the first place....

Rosie loved corrie no matter where she was what she was doing she'd stop race to the tv just to bark at the cat, how dare some scabby cat come in her space on her tv....she didn't like any cats they peed in her garden sat in her space at night & got on every nerve she had....
then the dreaded seasons started with each one she got more miserable & ratty the vet said get her spayed so in october 2011 i did for 2 weeks after she was like the puppy i brought home all those years ago & then it hit....
she went down hill couldn't breathe properly & just miserable wetting herself the wound split open so many times they said she was allergic to the stitches ...
phone call after phone call to the vets i said i cant put my finger on it but shes not right...late night calls in the end i was told look we have dogs here fighting for their lives been hit by trains we have to prioritize....
i felt like a fool worrying over this dog who they said there was nothing wrong with...within a few days call it mothers intuition or what but i i took her up to the vets & said enough i want her seen now...& she was the vet said she needed a g/a for an x ray & i was NOOO that's whats caused all this in the first place she said no x ray will only give antibiotics
so i agreed & at 2:30 got a call to go get 3 my world was in bits
i expected after nigh on 5 months of being told there was nothing wrong to be told you're paranoid leaver her alone...oh i wish that's what id been told but beloved westie had westie lung had they known before the operation they wouldn't have done it....i didn't have a clue what it was & everything said after that was a blur rather have heard i had cancer than she had this...genetic breathe lungs clogging fluid the words jumped around my head & all i could do was hold her in my arms promising her she would get the est treatment there was...
now at this stage if i could have given my lungs she could have them if she had needed my legs she would have got them she already had my heart but hey that was up for grabs too

she started treatment & oh boy did she ever have some but no the infection in her lungs had a hold & the fecker wouldn't let go....nothing worked ,as time went on she'd just stop breathing so i breathed for her no way was i going to loose my Rosie & then i heard those words....last chance saloon.....those 2 weeks were hell she was peeing at night & knew when i walked down in the morning it wasn't good but i didn't tell her off i didn't care so what she was punishing herself enough....
& then i saw that look in her beautiful face she had had enough & i had to do the kindest thing for her the hardest for me .....& so i decided there & then....
come the day of the appointment i took her to mcdonalds drive through got a couple of sausage & egg mcmuffins & drove to her favourite walk the place i took her on her very first now though walking was a joke she was either in her pushchair or being carried
we sat at the end looking out to the sea & had a chat she ate her sausage & egg along with her favourite tray of dog food & then went to the vets
then they were were going to try this do that & i told them then shes my beloved dog not a guinea pig shes told me enough is enough & today i have to do whats right for her....& she was put to sleep in my arms as i whispered in her ear how much she was loved & now her fight was over...i told her to wait for me at Rainbow Bridge & that's the only thing that keeps me going ...the hope that she will be there waiting for me..

to say i died a bit is wrong to say i miss her is a joke she was my everything & now i had nothing

on my right foot there is a small tattoo that says Rosie with a love heart & a paw print...she is forever on walkies with me

i feel cheated robbed I've lost my life spark....i know she was only a dog but she wasn't only a dog she was MY dog.... there's not a day gone by I've not thought of her called her name missed her....if this so called God has a plan i'm not impressed with it....

after many discussions with the vet i decided not to cremate her as she hated fire so shes buried in my garden overlooking her favourite place ....that is until i die...till then all i have is her microchip & a snip of her coat....but when i go then she is to be placed with me...forever

it was my honour to have her my delight my pride that she was mine all mine
Good night my darling Rosie my most wonderful girl....

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