Today We Remember

Below are animal friends that passed away on this day and for whom there are memorials on The Ralph Site.

Animal friends that passed away within the last 3 years will also be remembered on our Facebook page.

Please note that only memorials with a photo included and the date of death recorded can be shared to Facebook.


25/12/01 - 15/05/14

Dear Bradley I miss you so much. At least you are out of pain and running free with Blue, Bronson and Beau. You were such a character and always doing funny things. We loved you so much we wish we could have been with you at the end. At least you died in your sleep. I just wish I had visited you at the vets last night. There will never be another like you. RIP xxxxx

See more about Bradley


06/02/05 - 15/05/09

he was the greediest fish that i had ever had but a great friend even though he was wet and scaly i still loved him. when he passes it was like a piece of my hart had been yanked out but i love him. greedy if your reading this then i love you.

See more about Greedy


Unknown - 15/05/15

Dear Halle, my little friend confidante and shadow. I miss your quiet constant presence and the love you always gave me. I miss your unfaltering gaze and the calmness I had in your presence. You never went far or ventured outside of your garden; being content with what you had. You followed me everywhere and I could not sit down with out you climbing on to my lap which is now empty and oh how I wish you were here so I could stroke you one more time. Taz and I miss you and are lost without you; both of us searching for you in your usual places. I tried hard to look after you till the end but finally we had to let go I hope you are at peace and there is no more pain in your poor dear body. Thank you my lovely Halle for all you have given me and I hope you rest easy underneath your tree. Much love always, my Halle xxx

See more about Halle


Unknown - 15/05/15

We lost our dearest, sweetest girl on Friday. She was about twenty and had only really been ill for a few weeks, for which I'm grateful, but it doesn't make it any easier. She was the chattiest, friendliest, most full of character cat I have ever known, always ready with an opinion on everything, and always sure that everybody she met would love her as much as she was willing to love them. We were friends for eighteen years and I miss my beautiful Mrs P so much.

See more about Pod


31/05/96 - 15/05/09

If tears could build a stairway and memories build a lane we would all walk up to meet you Rose and bring you home again. Love and miss you xxxxx

See more about Rosie


17/08/98 - 15/05/12

Our special wee boy! Teddy bear! Not a day goes by without me, still, shedding tears at the devastation I felt, and still do, at you leaving us. You had no choice, I know... you were so ill, and it came on so suddenly, and your wee body just couldn't cope anymore! And you made the choice for yourself .... your Daddy and I never had to make that dreadful decision...but then, the pain at not being with you in your last few hours, is a pain and regret that will live with me forever! But we had to give you the best chance of fighting it, that's why we left you with the vet.... a place you unfortunately knew so well ... but it was just too much for you this time! The sheer terror of our phone ringing at 2.00 in the morning...I instantly knew... When we came to see you in the morning, to give you one final kiss and cuddle, you were so cold... I wrapped you up in the towel ..... I just didn't want to let you go!!! Even the nurses were so upset, at losing one their favourite regulars!!! You were our baby, and you always will be. The nearly-14 years that we had you, just wasn't long enough - no amount of time would ever have been long enough! We miss you so much, my wee Teddy bear. The Poodle shaped, gaping hole you've left in our hearts and lives, will never be fixed. You and I had such a special connection .... you seemed to know, and react to, exactly what I was thinking, without uttering a word! So loving.... but also one of the cheekiest wee dogs I've ever come across .... I don't think people believe me when I say that you always had to have the last word...but you did! Every time!! We miss you desparately my wee man! We'll see you again one day ..... and until then, I hope you're being a good boy up there for Grandma Daisy, Grandad Lowrie and Auntie Betty F.. Love you Ted! xxx

See more about Teddy


18/09/98 - 15/05/14

Miss you every day baby ,You were my world and I loved you from the first time I saw you at a sweet little 8 week old puppy when you jumped into my arms. It broke my heart into a million pieces the day I had to let you go but you had had enough and I couldn't let you suffer any more. lit beau is looking more like you every day but he's still not you. Everybody loved you ,you were my little star (you loved being Toto at Birminham Rep) I was so proud of you tinks x you were always so friendly and loveable ,and bossy too!! But I wouldn't have wanted you any other way! You gave me the best 15 years of my life i never thought id ever feel grief like this!! . till we meet again darling night night baby mommy loves you and I ALWAYS will xxxxxx

See more about Trixie