
In this section, you will find an honour roll for all of our beloved companions listed in alphabetical order by the first name. Please click on the letters to see the memorials that have already been added.

Animal friends will be remembered on our Today We Remember page on the anniversary of their death.

Animal friends that passed away within the last 3 years will also be remembered on our Facebook page. Please note that only memorials with a photo included and the date of death recorded can be shared on Facebook.



Luna Woodhead

29/04/11 - 09/10/13

Luna, you haven given us over 2 years of love and happiness, you and your sister were our first pets in our new home and we've loved every minute of having you here. daddy and i are just happy that you're not in pain anymore my love. lots of love, mummy, daddy and sister Misty xx

See more about Luna Woodhead