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Pal Rip

Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1386 - by Pal Rip >> Mon Oct 7th, 2024 02:03 am

To My Beloved Pal:
This is my first time posting at the Ralphsite but for the last 10 years I have posted daily at Rainbows Bridge. Pal my beloved mini-dachshund who was with me for more than 16 years. I lost him on August 25, 2014. It has been a long time but my life has never been the same. I have gone on and a few months after I lost Pal, Taz came into my life and has been with me ever since. I love Taz with all of my heart but he and I have never been as close as Pal and I were. After I lost Pal, I feared that as time went by I would forget about him so in order to remember him I started to post messages to him every day. It is now a habit of mine. I am so glad to be a member of this forum now. Thank you.
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1387 - by Pal Rip >> Tue Oct 8th, 2024 12:01 am

To My Beloved Pal:
On August 25, 2014 I saw you for the last time and since that time I have been posting messages to you on Rainbows Bridge every day. Now I am on the Ralph site but I am sure that you will still know what I am writing to you. I miss you and I love you and you will always be with me.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1388 - by Pal Rip >> Tue Oct 8th, 2024 11:23 am

To My Beloved Pal:
This autumn weather is so beautiful here in Connecticut. This was always the favorite time of the year for you and I. This is my third day on the Ralph site. I just want to thank everybody who is involved in running this forum. It is such a big help fore someone like myself who still wishes to keep the memory of my beloved Pal alive. Thank you.
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1389 - by Pal Rip >> Wed Oct 9th, 2024 10:52 am

To My Beloved Pal:
The first thing that I do in the morning is take Taz outside to pee and then I sit in front of the computer spilling my thoughts to you. When I do this I somehow feel like you are still with in a small way. I have been doing this for more than 10 years. It is now part of my everyday life. Thank you for listening to me and for always watching out for me.
I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1390 - by Pal Rip >> Thu Oct 10th, 2024 12:20 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
I feel so bad for all of the people who are affected by Hurricane Milton. I pray that no lives are lost and that property damage is minimal. I also pray for the safety of all of the four-legged companions down there. It seems like every every major storm there are some furry companions that will become separated from their human companions and thus became homeless. Hopefully those separations will also be kept to a minimum.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1391 - by Pal Rip >> Fri Oct 11th, 2024 12:27 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
For the first time in the last six months, there was frost on the ground this morning. It was only a few weeks ago when the temperatures were in the 90's. It will not be long until the snow is here. That is the beauty of New England weather, we have four seasons.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1392 - by Pal Rip >> Sat Oct 12th, 2024 12:39 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
The television stations have started showing the Christmas movies non-stop. It is not even Halloween. It seems to be too early. I love the holiday season but the way the start so early now I will be tired of it before Thanksgiving.
I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1393 - by Pal Rip >> Sun Oct 13th, 2024 06:29 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
It has been more than two months since Taz's back surgery. After the surgery he developed an infection and he was in the hospital for three weeks. He is slowly getting back to normal. I really feel that when things looked the bleakest for him that you were watching over him to see that he would recover just like you are always watching over me.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1394 - by Pal Rip >> Mon Oct 14th, 2024 10:44 am

To My Beloved Pal:
I was out yesterday in the beautiful, autumn weather and I started to remember all of the good times that you and I would have this time of the year. We would go to the apple orchard. Dan was just a little boy then and you, him and I would pick apples. We would always buy some apple cider and your favorite part was the apple fritters and the apple cider donuts. I would always share mine with you. The apple orchard is no longer there. Now a development of houses sit on that land but the memories will always be with me.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1395 - by Pal Rip >> Tue Oct 15th, 2024 11:05 am

To My Beloved Pal:
I went to a college basketball game at the casino last night so Taz was left alone in the house for a few hours. When that happens he gets very angry at me so he was up barking all night long. There is a Krispy Kreme donut shop in the casino so I did bring donut home for Taz. You used to loved Krispy Kreme donuts. 20 years ago there was a shop only two miles from the house so you would get those donuts while they were still hot. That donut shop is no longer there. Now it is an urgent care medical clinic.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1398 - by Pal Rip >> Wed Oct 16th, 2024 10:53 am

To My Dearest Pal:
Just a couple of months ago I was complaining to you about how hot it was outside. The temperatures would go up to 95 degrees every day. Now when I wake up in the morning the temperatures are in the 20's and there is frost on the ground. That is the way the weather is here in New England. You never minded how the weather was. The time time that it bothered you was when there was a sudden change in the temperature. If the temperature was in the 90's one day but only in the 50's the next day, you would be bothered by that.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1399 - by Pal Rip >> Thu Oct 17th, 2024 10:13 am

To My Beloved Pal:
Two weeks from today is Halloween. Back when you and Dan were both young, I would have the house decorated for Halloween. I also always carved a jack o lantern to put out front. You and I always took Dan out early to trick or treat on Halloween night because we wanted to be home in time to give out the candy when the trick or treaters rang our doorbell. You loved seeing all the children dressed up in their costumes. The house is not decorated these days and Dan is a grown man but I still give to the candy on Halloween night.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1400 - by Pal Rip >> Fri Oct 18th, 2024 12:03 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
This weekend the carnival is in town. It is only a half a mile from the house. You, me and Dan used to walk down there every year. You and I would watch Dan go on the rides. Your favorite part was the food. You always loved sharing an ice cream with me and Dan would always share his French fries with you. You loved seeing all of the carnival lights at night. It has been many years since I have visited the carnival but this year I might take a walk down there and look at the lights and remember you.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1401 - by Pal Rip >> Sat Oct 19th, 2024 09:59 am

To My Beloved Pal:
I am getting ready to run the Hartford Marathon this morning. I started to run marathons not long after you came into my life. When I would return home after running the 26.2 miles you would be so excited to see me. That was so long ago and I am alot slower now. I am almost 70 years old sand this will be my final Hartford Marathon. All good things must come to an end.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1402 - by Pal Rip >> Sun Oct 20th, 2024 02:19 pm

To My Beloved Pal:
I just returned home from Sunday Mass. I usually attend the Saturday Vigil Mass but yesterday I was running a marathon so I had to go to Sunday Mass instead. Even though I do not consider myself to be a religious person I always attend Mass because 50 years ago when I was a teenager serving in the Army in Vietnam I promised that I got out of there alive I would never miss Mass after. I kept that promise for more than 45 years until Covid caused the Churches around here to be closed down for many months.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1403 - by Pal Rip >> Mon Oct 21st, 2024 11:05 am

To My Beloved Pal:
The leaves are staring to fall from the trees. Pretty soon I will have to start raking. You would always be outside with me when I would rake the leaves. I would rake them into a pile and then you would run through that pile, messing it up so I would have to rake them all over again. I would pretend to get mad at you but you could always see right through me.

I Love You,
Joe Slepski
Posted by: Pal Rip Posts: 17 - Joined: Mon Oct 7th, 2024 01:53 am

#1404 - by Pal Rip >> Tue Oct 22nd, 2024 11:20 am

To My Beloved Pal:
On August 25, 2014 you and I saw each other for the last time. I always feared that as time went by that I would forget about you. That is why I started to post messages to you every day, for 10 years on Rainbows Bridge and on this forum. I will never forget you but my fear now is after all these years that you have forgotten me. I worry that when I cross over to the other side you will not know who I am.
I Love You,
Joe Slepski

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