
In this section you will find a list of all the new friends members of the Ralph site have given a home to listed in alphabetical order by first name. Please click through the letters to see which tributes have been added so far... 

Human family: Geraldine Albers
Photo(s) of Pebs (2)


A year ago on Munchkins 1st anniversary, little Pebs walked into our lives. She was a life saver for me, and has been a delight and a treasure, and brought light to our lives. She walked in through our door the day I finished writing the memorial for Munchkin. I think he guided her to us. She needed help as she had been in a bad cat fight and had a nasty wound. Now she is settled and part of the family, just like Munchkin was. I still grieve for munchkin on his anniversary, he will always be special.

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